03/27/2022 - All-In Membership - Orange (Los Angeles), CA Casey is an impressive C/2B in the 2022 class. His measurable jump out with a 6.99 60 yd, 1.90 pop time, 88 exit velo and 83 arm strength. Behind the plate, he has the tangibles. He is sooth and moves quick. He maintains the strike zone and keeps his eyes on the baseball. He is quick to block and recover and controls the ball. His feeds a re quick and on the bag to control the running game. At 2nd, He plays with enery and keeps his eyes under the baseball. His hands are clean and redirects the baseball with ease. Releases are from a ¾ slot and can adjust based upon his defensive zone. At the plate, he looks to attack the baseball with a short explosive barrel path. He makes hard contact to the big parts of the field and gets the barrel out for pull side power. Overall, there is a lot to like about Casey and he will make an impact on a college roster next season.