02/06/2022 - Official College Recruiting Membership - Palmetto, FL Justin is an athletic OF in the 2022 class. In the field, he has active feet and solid pre-pitch movement. He works to get behind the baseball and is aggressive on GB play. Fields in a low and square position. Exchanges are clean and redirects the baseball to his target from a high ¾ slot. Throws are crisp (81 velo) and to his target with a full follow finish. Working with one hand on his fly ball play will allow his body to be more fluid as he works through the baseball. At the plate, he has electric hands (88 exit velo) and can generate pull side power. Has fluid timing and gets his backside through. Working to hit the inner half of the baseball will help cut down his swing path and use the whole field. Overall, Justin will make a fine addition to a college program very soon.