07/28/2021 - Official College Recruiting Membership - Sauget (St. Louis), IL Max is a C prospect who will graduate in 2022. Medium frame athletic build, well proportioned, and plenty of remaining room to fill out. Primary C, has quick/active feet and an athletic sit. Ability to gain ground with good direction to second base. Presents a low target while working his thumb under ball and hinges at elbow. Creates good blocking angles and ability to swallow baseball. High exchange into a high 3/4 arm slot with accurate/on-line throws. Has a quick release and an arm velocity of 86mph and a best pop time of 2.08 seconds. A right-handed hitter, sets up with an even and athletic stance. Hits into a firm front side, with good extension out front, and high bat finish. Hit line drives into both gaps with a bat exit velocity of 86mph during BP. With continued growth and development, we foresee him having opportunities to play at the next level.