10/11/2020 - Official College Recruiting Membership - Frisco (DFW), TX Preston is a solid/athletic (6'0"/165) 2-way player (LHP/OF) who has a solid all-around skill-set. On the mound, this lefty has a 3-pitch mix (FB, CB, CH) coming from a high 3/4 arm slot. He has smooth separation and stays directional, pounding the zone with strikes. FB ranges from 70-71 mph as he works it in and out. Curveball shows 3/9 shape with some tight spin. Changeup has slight sink and should get GB outs - 64-65 mph. He mixes his pitches and varies speeds well. In the OF, he has active prep and is aggressive to track down fly-balls to his right and left. He secures the ball with 2-hands, gathers well and fires strong throws into his target (86 mph). With the bat, this lefty has a tall stance with patience waiting for a pitch he likes. He whips the barrel with + bat speed and connects with pop, hitting hard line drives (exit velocity = 86 mph). Riley is a skilled 2-way prospect who has upside as he approaches his junior season.