06/23/2009 - College PREP - Houston, TX Chad has improved to a Class 3 following this event. He improved his velocity 3 mph which help improve his arm strength grade and pop times. Behind the plate, throws to 2B were accurate with life. Had good rhythm with quick exchange. Got in proper throwing position and stayed on top of ball which helped produce 1.87 pop time. Pop times could improve when he gains ground better. While receiving, had compact setup with low target. Presented well with good sway and showed ability to keep thumb under ball so he could stick it. While blocking, covered the hole with glove. Takes proper angles to center and deaden balls. At the plate, showed good, quiet presentation. Demonstrated good bat speed with ability to hit ball to all fields. Had good pop when centered. Occasionally gets too rotational which makes him lunge for ball. When he lets the ball travel to hitting zone, he utilized his lower half effectively and drives it.