06/17/2017 - Omaha National World Series - Session 1 (Ages 14-18) Colton is an athletic OF/LHP prospect who has a versatile skill set and graduates in 2018. In the field, Colton plays with active, effective footwork getting a good jump on the ball and taking the correct angles to cover good ground. He stays behind the baseball and presents his glove as he fields the ball in a square position. Colton has a clean exchange leading into a loose arm action throwing from a 3/4 arm slot. He plays with good momentum through the baseball and his throws are online with good carry. As a left-handed hitter, Colton has an open stance with a firm front side and centered balance. He has fluid rhythm with a smooth load and short, on-time stride that maintains direction as he uses his lower half throughout his swing. He has an on-plane swing path and consistently lands the barrel to the baseball. Colton has a line drive approach with good timing throughout his swing. On the mound, Colton has a balanced, on-time delivery throwing from a 3/4 arm slot with a clean arm action. He stays square to home plate with a controlled landing. His fastball has good cut action and his curveball is developing consistency. Overall, Colton has skill on both sides of the ball and good upside to get even better.