04/29/2018 - Interactive Video Program - Charlottesville, VA Daniel is a young, left handed LHP/1B with good size. On the mound, Daniel has a clean arm action, he keeps his eyes on target, and gets good extension on his pitches. He separates on time, lands in a square position, and competes in the zone. At 1B, Daniel has efficient footwork to the ball, he receives it well, and has a clean arm action with a long/accurate arm to his target. Offensively, Daniel has a closed stance, a short stride, and he makes consistent contact. He makes contact and hits hard to the pull side. Daniel can improve skills with work on the following.
Pitching 1. Long toss 2. Landing Infield 1. Fielding position 2. Hands 3. Release Offense 1. Let ball travel 2. Timing 3. Lower body