08/04/2010 - Pirate City World Series 2010 - Session 1 Jake is a young MIF with a small, athletic frame that shows projection as he continues to physically mature. Feet are active and aggressive in coming to get, playing through the ball with his body through a low to high approach. Hands are soft, clean, and sure as he makes the routine plays. Throws are accurate but must get on a long toss program to aid in further developing more arm strength. Offensively, Shockley shows a balanced approach as he works to keep hands inside the ball, utilizing all fields. He is aggressive as he shows a feel for the barrel with ball jumping off his bat when centered. We see his power improving as he learns to utilize his lower half more efficiently through the swing. With 2 years to further develop, Jake has abilities with time and room to improve. He plays hard and is a coachable player.