08/05/2010 - Vero Beach Pro Select Training and Competition - 2010 Joaquin is a young (2013) catcher with an body that shows projection as he continues to physically mature, filling out. Feet are aggressive through a solid setup as he works in line, displaying proper direction with an efficient transfer / exchange in the throwing process. Throws show accuracy with pop times in the 2.60-3.06 range as he must get on a long toss program to develop more carry and arm strength. Receiving and blocking skills are below average, needing further development to be quality tools at the next level. Offensively, Aguirre shows an aggressive approach with hands working inside the ball, utilizing all fields through a level swing path. Power numbers will increase as he learns to utilize his lower half more efficiently through the swing, transferring weight properly. With 3 years to further develop, Joaquin has abilities with time and room to improve.