11/15/2009 - College PREP - Rochester, NY Justin is a 1B with a tall, heavy frame that shows projection as he continues to polish, firming up. Foot speed is well below average as he must get on a speed / agility program to improve foot quickness for the next level. Feet are active but needs to be more aggressive in coming to get, playing through the baseball with his feet / hands. He uses two hands well but needs some instruction in his IF play. Backhand is sound as he is not afraid to use it. Defensive abilities are below average with well below average arm strength as he must get on a strict long toss program to aid in further developing more arm strength with carry on throws. At the plate, Stowell has average abilities with solid average power through a balanced approach. He has strength in his swing with the baseball jumping off his bat when centered but has some mechanical flaws that are hindering him from reaching full potential at the plate with grades improving with instruction and adjustments. Justin has abilities with a lot of room to improve.