05/16/2021 - Official College Recruiting Membership - Orange (Los Angeles), CA Max is an athletic C/MIF prospect who continues to show as a top prospect on the diamond. Behind the dish, Max is quick moving to block and keeps dirt balls in front of him. He sits in an athletic stance and receives with soft hands. His exchange is clean and he gets rid of the ball quickly, making accurate throws with carry through the 2B bag. In the field, Max shows efficient footwork and attacks the ball aggressively. He gets into a square position and fields the ball out in front of his body. His exchange is clean and he gains ground well on his throws, keeping them on-line to his target. At the plate, this RHH sets up in an athletic stance and takes a short stride. He is smooth to load and drives through well with his lower half. He gets good extension through the ball with fast bat speed, leading to loud contact and great gap to gap power. Overall, Max is a talented prospect who has the skill set to contribute at the next level.