12/27/2010 - Christmas Camp and Tournament 2010 - Session 2 Stephen is a young (2013) OF with an athletic frame that shows projection as he continues to physically mature and fill out. Defensively, his feet are active in taking a proper first step in tracking down balls in the OF. He has an aggressive approach showing that his hands and feet work well together in getting rid of the baseball quickly. His throws show accuracy but he short arms the throws at times. Working on better arm action and getting on a long toss program to aid in further developing more arm strength with carry will be important for his development. He also needs to work on proper angles and positioning, as well as rounding the ball on grounders to put himself in the best position to make throws. Offensively, Fedor shows a balanced approach and makes consistent contact. As his time progressed at the tournament, he consistently got better in drills and made progress. He needs to work on his fluidity with his swing, as well as making sure he is not out/around with the bat, while maintaining good balance throughout. Stephen is without a doubt a very coachable player who wants to get better and is willing to put the hard work in to get better. With 3 years to further develop, Stephen has plenty of time to do just that.