06/27/2010 - Team One South 2010 Tanner is a strong, stocky athlete with a true Catchers build. Behind the plate, Tanner holds a low target and has a firm wrist. He blocks and receives the ball well, and he works in good sequence with his Pitchers. Tanner delivers the ball accurately with some carry to 2nd base, and is timed as low as 2.06 for his pop time. Defensive grades can get better if Tanner can square his feet and body up better, and loosen his actions. At the plate, Tanner sits in the box well, has quick hands, and a level swing. He has an okay load, he drives his hips, and the ball jumps off the bat when centered. Tanner has good bat speed and can hit the ball hard to the pull side. Hitting can get better if Tanner can avoid flying open, and maintain some power away.