08/10/2024 - Baseball Factory Prospect Combine Tyler is a 2025 catcher from West Lawn, PA who showcased his skills at the BF prospect camp. He continues to show improvement in all phases of his game. Behind the plate he demonstrates clean mechanics with quiet and relaxed actions. He starts in an athletic and generally square position. He replaces his feet on his throws to second base as he gains momentum to his target. His best pop time was 2.34 seconds with an arm velocity up to 80 mph. He needs to improve his blocking range and cover the 5-hole with his glove. At the plate he starts in a tall stance and high hands. Gets his backside through and hits the pitch he wants. Has a tendency to drop his hands which promotes a long swing. He showed good plate discipline and made consistent contact during the weekend. He shows good aptitude and is a team player. We look forward to seeing him at another event soon.