09/17/2023 - National Showcase - Keizer (Salem), OR Tyler is a 2027 SS prospect with an athletic frame at 5'10" 155 pounds. At short, he gets in a good ready position pre-pitch and shows off quick, fluid movements. He has impressive, agile range to all angles and is able to get to balls on the infield easily. He gets in an athletic fielding position and presents firm hands out in front when making plays. His backhand is smooth. He has a quick exchange and makes accurate throws from multiple arm slots. He does a great job of following his flips on double play balls. At the plate, he starts in an open stance and gets a good load. He does a nice job of keeping his balance centered and works hard to stay through the baseball with his lower half. He throws the knob of his bat to the catcher and works hard to stay on a direct path to the ball. He lets his hips work through contact and sprays the ball to all fields with a line drive approach. Tyler is definitely a prospect that we are excited to see more of as he continues to develop!