09/05/2010 - College PREP - Plainfield, IN Yozef is a thin, Catcher / OF with a strong lower 1/2. Behind the plate, Yozef has a nice base, he sticks well and has a lot of sway. He has quick feet and he drops to his knees well. Yozef gains ground well and throws with some accuracy to his target. If Yozef can improve his blocking, quicken his exchange, and add arm strength, defensive grades can get better. In the OF, Yozef tracks the ball well and works behind. He makes plays on balls hit his way and throws with average accuracy to his target. OF skills can get better if Yozef can lighten his action, loosen his body, and throw more on a downhill plane. At the plate, Yozef has good balance and a level swing plane. He has some life in his barrel and he sprays the ball to all fields. If Yozef can improve his rhythm and get more extension through the ball, offensive numbers can spike.