08/01/2024 - All-Ripken Games - Dallas, TX Zach is a gritty baseball player who made a notable impression at the All-Ripken games in Frisco, TX. Defensively, he stood out as a vocal leader, effectively communicating with his teammates to help them understand game situations while providing encouragement. At the plate, Zach recorded multiple base hits and showcased his competitive spirit, particularly when hitting with two strikes. As he develops his offensive approach, focusing on a more direct stride toward the pitcher instead of stepping out will help keep his bat in the hitting zone longer, ultimately increasing his contact percentage. On the mound, his fastball ranged from 67-70 mph, delivered with a balanced and consistent motion. To enhance his effectiveness, developing a secondary pitch that he can reliably throw for strikes will make him a more well-rounded pitcher. Overall, Zach's leadership, determination, and potential for growth make him an exciting prospect to follow.